A charming young man, Larry, after the completion of his studies abroad, returns to Greece and stays with his father Alexis, a painter, and his father’s young girlfriend, Julia. The sensual woman is...
Zachos (Vasilis Avlonitis) has to marry Aristea (Georgia Vasileiadou) the landlady of a rich relative of his (deceased) in order to inherit his fortune. However, Aristea is ugly and rather old so Zach...
A poor man (Pantelis Zervos), whose wife dies at childbirth, gives his newborn daughter to a wealthy man (Thodoros Exarchos) on the condition that he never disclose the truth to his wife (Kaiti Panou)...
Macedonia, Kastoria, in the early 20th century. A poor Greek fisherman, Apostolis, strives daily to provide for his large family and resignedly bears the oppression of the Turks. The fish-monger Hasan...
An old man (Stathis Psaltis) who has been lying all his life, decides to give all his stories to his nephew so that he can turn them into a television series. His biggest lie will be his “death”, ...